Jackdaw Review will be open for submissions beginning March 20, 2025.
What We're Looking For:
At this time, Jackdaw Review only publishes poetry. We seek poems that are evocative, well-polished, and accessible. We look for vivid imagery, strong narratives, and fresh perspectives. To get a sense of poems we like, please read our inaugural issue.
We happily consider simultaneous submissions. We ask, though, that you inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
All work must be submitted electronically via Duosoma.
You may submit 3-5 poems as one submission. Each poem should be on a separate page within a single document. We ask that poems not exceed one page in length.
We strive to provide thoughtful consideration of each submission. We are a small operation, but will do our best to respond within 3 months. We kindly ask for your patience in this process.
Jackdaw Review is currently unable to pay contributors. We publish an online flip book journal in order to make your work widely accessible.
All submissions must be of previously unpublished work. Jackdaw Review acquires First North American rights, and the right to reprint in anthologies and online. After publication, all other rights revert to the author and the work may be reprinted as long as appropriate acknowledgement to Jackdaw Review is made.